Sunday, December 18, 2011

just a simple song but full of meaning..

just wanna dedicated this song to my special one..=)

kau mau apa, pasti kan ku beri
kau minta apa, akan ku turuti

walau harus aku terlelah dan letih
ini demi kamu sayang

aku tak akan berhenti
menemani dan menyayangimu
hingga matahari tak terbit lagi
bahkan bila aku mati
ku kan berdoa pada Illahi
tuk satukan kami di syurga nanti

tahukah kamu apa yang ku pinta
disetiap doa sepanjang hariku
Tuhan tolong aku tolong jaga dia
Tuhan aku sayang dia

aku tak akan berhenti
menemani dan menyayangimu
hingga matahari tak terbit lagi
bahkan bila aku mati
ku kan berdoa pada Illahi
tuk satukan kami di syurga nanti

(Tuhan tolong aku juga jaga dia, Tuhan aku pun sayang dia)

aku tak akan berhenti
menemani dan menyayangimu
hingga matahari tak terbit lagi
bahkan bila aku mati
ku kan berdoa pada Illahi
tuk satukan kami di syurga nanti

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


ok, now i'm stress..dont know y n dont know how..hu2..
feels like wanna cry alone in a dark room at the corner of the room..crying out loud..
feels like wanna doing something crazy dat satisfied my heart..
feels like wanna smack down someone..
feels like wanna get out of here..
feels like wanna scream out loud so dat everyone know wat i'm thinking about..

its feels miserable..
emotionally unstable..
damn dis headache!!

so, conclusion??
it just my thinking,
thinking from the tired body,
unstable mind,
uncontrolled mind,

kewarasan akal, senipis kulit bwang keimanan,
from doing all dat crazy things..
i know who am i
i know wats d consequences
i know it
jus know it

stop being selfish my dear
stop being childish
stop being spoiled kid
jus stop it!!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

d answers is here..ho3

Assalamualaikum n greetings everyone..I just realize dat I'll post 2 entry every month..he3..punyerla pemalas better than en. Tedy yg lngsung xpost pa pe since last 3,4 months, i had just having dinner (berbuka pose sempena hari Assyura) n waiting to go to bath n pray for, to kill some time, i'll just post some of my "diary" like entry k..(xtually d answer of my previous entry "i win or he win?")

so now, the answer is i did not win dat deal. dats it..ok, full stop..dont wanna to story anymore..hu3
(seriously frustrating)..The deal is dat if i or he win, we can request any of us to full fill any hope or wishes that we want.. so, the point is now that he win, at first I was very curious about his wish, or hope..cant predict wat he wan as usually he was very unpredictable (sometimes its trouble me but sometimes he's surprised me..he3). then, at last he told me to promise him 4 things..wanna know??well??ok la..

the first thing is:-

he want me to finish up my master deg.
-if he didn't ask me to finish dis master, i'll already promise to myself (end wat i've started by hook or by crook), so no hal la kn??he3

second thing is:-

he want me to promise that as how i'll be very busy like hell, i'll never forget about my family, which means i'll still have time to spend with my family.
- when he told me this thing, i was thinking does he got any wish to think of himself..y all d wishes he only think of me??does he want anything from me??n my tears start rolling down my cheek(wah, terharu dowh!!hu2..)
- but the point is, insyaAllah i'll never forgot my family, they always b number ONE in my heart. =) amin..

third thing is:-

he want me to never ever forget where am i belongs from even if my status was the highest one in the country or world..which means dat i'll never forget who i am. dalam bhsa ibunda nye, aku xkan lupa diri.
- he still think of me when he want this things..hu3..n still insyaAllah, i'll remember who i am now n who i am later even if i had become a very successful person..(budu tetap jd kegemaran..keh3, n ubi kayu rebus still become my fav).

the last one is which is the number fourth:-

he want me to tell him if i ever fall in love with someone else other than him..means that if i wanna break up wit him (which i pray dat will never happen but who r we to predict the future right?)..
- dat's the only thing that he wan me to promise about himself..(still wonder, is he not regret even if he can ask anything from me..ho3)

then, i make d promise to him..insyaAllah selagi masih ade iman di dada (even snipis kulit bwang), n kewarasan akal fikiran yg Allah bg, ak akn berusaha untuk tidak melanggar janji2 tu..doakan..
the last thing is, i did not regret dat i did not win d deal as ade hikmahnye..still got many times to make deals n i'll make sure dat i'll improve d winning (ade k word tu??keh3)

p/s: wonder if anyone would annoy if they read my entry??but it is my opinion or my writing, n i does not mind xtually if dis annoying u as u can leave this page anytime right??

Sunday, November 20, 2011

i win or he win??

one week had week gak last meet with my 'sweet' week gak still ak ade tuk siapkn 'to do list' ak..wa3..hectic la next week..hu3..actually after meeting wit prof last week, baru ak sedar ak berada di mana skrg, n ape patut ak buat n ape is xtually my target dok cni..hu3..terlmbatkah bgku??insyaAllah x kn??fighting nis!!so, berborak2 la ngn my en.Tedy, dia kata demi utk kebaikn bersama, kami hanye contct one time a week, iaitu pd hari weekend, ak go on wit dat deal koz mmg ngah sempit pon skrg..ak xpk lain dah..ak pk duit everyday, Ym still on..cett, xley blah..huahaha...biasala org ngah lovey dovey..cesss

then, critanye ak wat deal ngn beliau..disebbkn beliau mahu mngajakku keluar date for ujung mnggu ni, so, ak kenala siapkn 'to do list' ak b4 prof smpai..sebaiknye sebelom ak kluar date (ahad)..walaupon nk jupe prof ari selasa..kirenye, bersusah payah dahulu, berjimba2 kemudian..reward urself la, by hook or by crook seriously need to finish dat 'list' k..meh nk catit ckit pe dia list ak,,,sile lihat di bwah yer puan2 n tuan2..keh3:-
  1. prepare file for prof
  2. costing every year
  3. extend ethic-refer RMI
  4. ELISA kit borrow from Saf
  5. call new patient
  6. gantt chart-refer Co-Sv
  7. minute meeting report
  8. find d old sample - refer kak tikah
  9. fullfilled LPO, PO bla2 form
  10. literature search-exon
  11. Elisa learn

from 11 listed item, ak da berjaya siapkn 3 je list..wa3..sempatkah ak menang deal ni?? hook by crook ak kena menang gak..he gotta make one of my wish come true..he3..dats d present n if i did not finish it, gotta kena denda..ak plak kena tunaikn 1 hasrat dia..wa3..xnk2,,so Hanis, pe ag??ko kn pantang dicabar kn??kena gak sahut cabaran kn, byk2 benda listed tu, call patient ak plg xsuka..hu3..xreti la nk deal ngn org..communication skill ak mmg horrible..ho3..need to learn fast my dear..hu3

p/s: tp yg sedihnye mcm beliau xdpt j kuar ngn beta ari ahad ni sbb beliau ade date ngan member2 dia..hu3..
tp kn, rupe nye beliau mempunyai rs jelez gak ea??xtau la plak ak..ingt xde perasaan..he3..ade gak xsecure kn awak, awak tau kn kite <3 kat awk..=P

Saturday, October 29, 2011

big day in my life..

27th of October 2011.. Graduation day..holding d title of Alumni..d day dat i was fully completed my degree..Ma, adik da buktikan yg adik mampu masuk U n berjaya dpatkn segulung ijazah, adik da berjaya dapatkn ape yang Ma harapkn..if u r still here, this degree holder is just special for u..must u be crying to see me on d stage kn??i jus know it..but now, sitting at on d 'tikar sejadah', pray for ur safety 'there' talk to Allah swt, reciting Al-quran for ur 'bekalan amalan'.. hanya itu yg mampu Adik lakukan skrg..

cam ne nk cerita eh??too much story to be told but now dont know how to start wit..erm..mula2 kite cter psal absentees of my konvokesyen k..absentees nye adalah:-

  • en. wan ahmad (we)
  • pn. zainaba (mama)
  • wan nor aliza (kak)
  • en. hanafi (ayh ngah)
  • en. anuar (paksu)
  • pn. norasyikin (maksu)
nama2 di ats adalah org yg ak jemput utk dtg k mjlis ak..even mmg ak berharap pon diorg akn mai...reasonnye adalah:-
  • we, mama n kak sbb sibuk ngan persiapan kak nk kawin..lgpon ak tau agk susah nk mai dr klntn..sape nk amik, nk overnite kat ne kn??so, ak mmg xnk nyusahkn diorg..diorg dtg, ak epi n syukur n if x mai pon ak xde la kisah mane pon sbb ak da phm..lgpon, graduation day is not something yg family ak pk "wajib kena attend" sbb time kak long ak n abg ak konvo dlu2 pon parent ak kirenye, konvo j pon, des nothing much, xkesah pon..=)
  • ayh ngah ak xdpt mai sbb dia kata dia ade hal ari khamis tu, n ak pon xnk disturb, its ok..=)
  • paksu n maksu lak ak sj je ajk..mmg xde harap pon diorg nk mai sbb depa dok klntan gak..jd confirm2 r susah nk mai, no hal la xmai pon..=)
so, konklusionnye, yg mai hanye la..

muhammad alqaf bin azmi (en. Tedy)..tu pon, mybe sbb dia kesian kot kat ak sbb xde org pon dtg konvo, kirenye dia pengganti family ak..ak mmg xde la berharap pon dia mai (dlm hati, perghh ari2 berharap dia dpt dtg, tp sbb xmo berharap lebih, kang kecewa, so xde la tunjuk sgt suh dia mai..up to him) klu family ak mai n dia pon mai, ak la org plg bahagia..leh la bg dia jupe terus parent ak..huahaha..cantekk x idea ak??tp harapan tggal harapan j la yer..xpe la..mybe ade hikmah..ho3

second time ak yg first konvo dlu xrasmi r..MRSM punye konvo, time tu kak ak j yg mai tgk..time tu pon ak xberharap sesapa mai tgk sbb ak, kirenye dis is d first time konvo scra rasmi nye..proses pengambilan jubah adlah satu proses yg amat memenatkn n men'stress'kan ak..klu bleh lpas2 ni time ak konvo lg(insyaAllah), ak xnk da beratur amik jubah..rela ak upah org amikkn jubah utk ak..seriously, thousands people beratur amik jubah pd hari yg sama..can u imagine d non-stop queue dat u ve to line up..

d next day, ak p sndri..jupe Mr. Tedy kat KL Sentral..Sara amik kat KTM Pdang Jawa..(thnks to her..really byk hutang budi ak ngn dia..xterblas kot..bukn kat dia dia pon..hu3..xtau da nk bls camne..hanye Allah swt j mampu bls Sara..erm..hu3)..n bersalah kat kak Tikah sbb last minute plan p ngn dia cancel..hu3..ak xtau nk ckap cm ne ngn dia..serba salah pon ade tp Alhamdulillah dia memahami n walaupon kena marah ckit tp thnks kak Tikah for understanding my childish behaviour..he3..n sorry again for d cancellation..ho3..

pergila ak bersama ngn Mr. Tedy k Shah Alam,..bile jupe dia kat KL Sentral tu,xbudget pon dia bwak adiah tuk konvo ak..seriously, ak xberharap pa pe pon..dia mai konvo ak pon da kire syukur da..dah la ari sblum tu dia leh lg wat lawak yg xdpt dtg sbb mybe cuti dia xlulus..lg la ak sedey..hu2..smpaikn ak p usha member dia tnye tul2 sal cuti dia, ingtkn dia tipu bile dia kata dia dpt cuti n dpt mai..sbb ak xnk berhrap lebih..(serius, sikap ak ialah ak lebih suke expect yg benda yg plg buruk akn berlaku, so then ak leh get ready wit any bad things happen..xde la ak nk frust menonggeng kan..ho3)..but then, ak kena tipu lak ngn member dia..cess, mmg xley sekongkol la ngn ak dak Pqah xpe la..benda da lepas, niat dia pon baik..ak pon bukn la jenis pendam n simpan ati sorang..forgive n forget..he3..

d present are..ehem3..
  • my most fav thing..guess??gebuuu..montelll..gemokkkk..a.k.a Teddy Bear..yeaaaay!!!bertambah koleksi bntal peluk ak..huahaha..but then, dis is d most spesel once again, ak xtau mampu bertahan bape lama kegebuan, kecomelan, kegemukan teddy bear tu..depends on tuan yg bg kot..klu tuan dia tu xwat ak sakit ati, selamatla teddy bear tersebut..
  • unexpected thing, lain dr yg ak budget..xsangka lak Mr. Tedy pon tau taste ak cm ne..ho3..satu set rantai perak skali ngn subang..speechless, ak xbudget pon akn dpt byk present lam 1 msa..hu2..sedih n terharu..dia bg tedy bear tu pon ak dok pk da bape la blnje dia abiskn nih..aish, bersalah ak wase..pastu tmbah ngn rantai lak..hu3..i'll promise, i'll treasure it Mr. Tedy..hu3
  • lastly coklat to share with cik Siti Sarah..3jenis coklat..lollipop,toblerone n lupe da 1 ag..bersama ngn key chain hp teddy bear comel..da slmat mkn ngn Cik Sara, n bear tu ak wat sngkut kat phone..he3..
adiah2 awk, sy akn treasure them..=) 

bile smpai kat cna, ak tggal kn en. Tedy ak tu ngn family Sara..pndai2 la dia survive..he3..i know dat i can trust him..keh3..pastu ak n member2 ak pon bersiap2 la..pkai jubah, beratur n bla bla giliran ak 309, so antra terawal la..overall 1325 xsilap ak la..stat dr kul 2 lebih2 cam tu, abis kul 5 lebih2 cam tu..cuak ah time amik skrol(bukn skrol senarnye tp mcm buku file cm tu..xtau la pe benda namenye) kat pro ak go on gak..jln ngn penuh keyakinan, maniskn muka n senyum n amik n blah..jln ngn penuh tata tertib..keh3..dah la x p time raptai..mmg ikut org depan je..tgk diorg amik cam ne..then, tamat sudeh episod konvo ak..slepas bergmbar2 ngn yg sedeynye xsume member ak dpt jupe..ramai giler org..da mcm semut da ak tgk..huahaha..pastu masa mghrib baru la bertolak pulang..singgah KL sentral, mkn2 ngn En. Tedy, pastu baru la pulang ke rumah d Sg Buloh..=) 

a huge applause n spesel thanks:-
  • to en radzi rahmat sbb sudi mnjemput sy di stesen komuter..follow sy dr blakang ngn motor sbb sy takut bwak motor sorng2 pulang k kolej xsangka plak dia bwak geng dia skali..berkonvoi la ak 4 buah motor, ngn 8 org dak bodyguards..he3..thnks guys..=)
  • very special thanks to Mr. Tedy sbb sudi dtg konvokesyen sy, kehadiranmu amat berharga(tp klu title kite di'upgrade' lg berharga..i tggu konv master i plak yer Mr. Tedy tuk tukar title tu..he3)..n sbb bg adiah yg x kupinta, n x kuharapkn..smpaikn sy speechless n never thought dat u r so romantic (must i say dis word??blushingg..hu3)..time ksih byk2 tau <3 awk..

kite terharu sgt2 ngn awk..hu3
  • to Sarah n family, very big2 thanks n unrepay syukur sgt2 kenal mu Sarah..slalu tolong mu pon sama..hu3..ak da xtau nk bls budi sepmu cam ne..ngn mak mu belikn bunga tuk ak..ngn bg tumpang kete..p amik, p antar k komuter n budi2 sebelom2 nih..hu3..insyaAllah, klu mu susah time ak senang, ak tolong mu stkat mana ak leh tolong..hu3..jasamu akn dikenang smpai bile2 sarah..hu3..

time kasih to sarah n family
  • to my family kat tau family sy mesti frust sbb xleh mai sbb time master nnti, insyaAllah diorg nk phm ade kesulitan xleh mai..n sy tau diorg doakan sy selamat2 sume nye..time kasih buat arwah ma yg lahirkn Adik, besarkn, berikan ksih syg, didik Adik..n tuk We yg susah pyah cri rezeki tuk jaga, sara belajr..sume kejayaan Adik dpt bukn tuk adk sorg je..insyaAllah, adk xkn lupekn jasa sume org yg susah pyah tolong adk selama ni..adk syg korang sume..lov u oll..=)
  • lastly, to all yg terlibat scra langsung or tidak..klu da pa pe xpuas ati ngn sy, kite bincang luar blog eh..he3..=)

p/s: ape la nk bg kat en. Tedy time dia konvo eh??i'm thinking n planning..ho3

Sunday, October 2, 2011


meh kite amik penyapu, mop, duster and stuff yg same waktu dgn nye tuk sapu sawang2 y pnuh kat blog ak nih..ha3..lame kot xupdate stories, xde mood xtually, mls nk mngarang n xde masa sbbkn jelez tgk sume member ak update stories, so, ak dgn pnuh sedaya upaya merajinkn tgn tuk menaip sambil tggu agar2 ak msak..ha3..(bleh diterime k??ho3)..

well, d story begins here..dlm buku cerita kanak2 zaman dolu2 ak baca dia tulis lagu ni nk mula story, so ak ciplak la ea..(kena buat citation nih, nnti kena saman..ho3)..(Cinderella, 1950)

"Once upon a time, there was a happy-go-lucky girl lived in a small town in d middle of a well-known city. The girl was an optimistic person(katanye member gewe ak..). She lived with her closed friend to finished her task dat she decided to get involve with. Although she was only in her sweet 21 years old, but her face look older than dat(ak rs sbb ak bergaul ngn org lebih tua kot..hopefully when i gets older, my face still younger..awet mude..ha3).  In d middle of her task, she gets lots n lots of experiences, and got to hang on to finish her task..(sbb motto ak skrg ialah "finished what u have started and be enjoy wit ur work", kirenye if ak tension thap dewa skalipon, i need to enjoy jugak..sbb life cannot b turn back..keep on going, so that, there's nothing will u make u regret after dis..he3). So, conclusion of d story, u need to keep on reading dis page to will happen to d future of dis girl. The love, life, studying and oll stuff dat will happen to dis girl. Stay turned guys..he3"

Baru aku tau:

  • how to pump air of ur car tire -  u know dat gurls are very poor at this mechanic stuff. All they know is how to ride it, use it but never think the maintenance of all dis thing. So do I, baru ak tau y mmg tercatit kat tayar kete max pressure yg dia leh terima..klu mcm kete Kelisa Sara, 44psi = 300kpa. But jgn la plak bubuh se max yg mungkin. Just from range of 28psi-35psi, da ok da kot..but make sure dat yg angin tayar depan more than tyre blakang. sbb depan is more heavy as d engine give more weight. so, baru ak tau.

  • how to write meeting minutes..1st time ak become d minutes writer meeting between me and all the supervisors and researchers. Perghhh..mmg rs nk beli time tu jugak recorder..record ape yg diorg ckap..xsempat kot..then, got d format n all stuff..

  • mcm mana nk buat agar2 santan yg ade 2 lapis tu..yg biasa org jual time bulan2 pose..rupenye senang jer..even klu guna santan serbuk pon leh buat tau..cume kacau telur n serbuk santan n air, pastu masuk je lam agar2 tu..tggu mendidih, pastu keraskn..siap..he3

  • jalan drp sg buloh nk p ke shah car n motorbike..but need to practice more sbb still xbape nk ingt ag..ho3
  • jalan drp sg buloh ke Giant Kota hasil drp ak jln2 ngn kak, dpt ler ingt jln..senang je upenye..nnti nk blja p d curve n one utama la plak..he3
ak rs ckup stkat tu je la kot..tetiba ak teringt esk ak meeting ngn Dr. Hoh(co-SV ak nk bincang sal budgetting), ak xprepare ag..wa3..da ne nih..ho3
till next time..da..

p/s: Mr.Tedy, take good care of urself tau..dont b tension2 in ur work..n thnks

Thursday, September 15, 2011


PHD = Permanent Head Damage = Pizza Hut Delivery (katanye Co-Supervisor aku)..he3..xtau la ak komen ape..keh3..

tapi yg sebetulnye adalah Ph.D = a doctorate of philosophy..berjayakah ak nk dpatkn title tu??buat master ni pon rs da nk tunggang terbalik bak kata org, bile da decide tu, keep on going..mesti ade hikmah kn sbb ape Allah SWT bg kat kite benda, believe in Him..Dia tahu ape yg terbaik tuk, keep on going k..(xtually bukn benda ni ak nk ckap senarnye..he3)

d real topic is, ak nk cter sal program master ak kat ni ceritanye, bile ak tgk balik diari ak buat msa darjah 6 dolu2 kan, mmg lam plan ak nk smbung master samada ak kawin dlu or smbung, konklusi mmg ak smbung seriously mmg unplanned la waktu deg ak nk smbung..sbb tu, duit PTPTN mmg ak xsave pon..hu3..(nyesal giler..tu la pngajaran yg plg ak dpt bab2 duit..simpan time tgh kaye..nnti bile da sesak mcm ni, mula la serabut pk kat mane nk cilup duit..hu3)..

ak bersyukur sgt2 ak bleh adapt kat cni, even batch ak sumenye ak xkenal..sume budak MLT (medical lab technologist, seriously xpenah ak dengr ade koz tu kat puncak alam) Alhamdulillah, diorg ni sgt2 mesra, so dgn cepatnye ak leh adapt ngn yg kureng syoknye, ramai la plak laki dr pompuan, dr 9 orang yg dpt, 3 org j, pndai2 la ak adapt..keh3..but dey all really sporting..credits to Pyan a.k.a Sufian Hamid (jiran ak kat workstation, muka mcm budak2..ak konfius dia tua or muda dr ak..ha3..really admire doraemon..), Radzey a.k.a Radzi Ahmad (pakar komputer, easy to mintak tolong n sporting amat, ni details on him, ni pon ak konfius muda or tua dr ak..ho3), Famy, Fazli, Radzi Rahmat a.k.a Double R, Safrizal (diorg ni pon ramah gak..kirenye ak leh wat kawan la..he3)..dats ol d d gurls lak ade 2 org jek, Hanis Saimin (dia pon name hanis gak, so kirenye ak xley nk dipanggil hanis, si dak Pyan n Fazli tukar name ak jd Wanis..ikut korunk la..i xkesah asalkn jgn pggil pelik2 da la ea..) n Ajie a.k.a Nura'zimaturrahmah (sorry if spelling not rite)..diorg ni baik n ak ley adapt ngn diorg..suke2..=)..n also to mazni n faezah, really nice to know u oll..hope lots of memories will tercipta when we oll complete dis master deg..Aminnnn....

next grateful was d senior is pretty nice..esp sorang ni..ak pggil dia kak tikah (ade post sal dia lam entry ak b4 dis) details on her (sorry kak tikah, promoting ur blog..he3) first i thought bad of her..first impression dat i had on her is "kerek nye akak nih, cam ne la ak nk mintak tolong nih..hu3"..but after a week i knew her, she's really cool..its like if "xkenal maka xcinta" tu la..seriously really grateful to her, byk ilmu n maklumat ak dpt dr dia..if she's not around, mybe terkapai2 gak kami2, if she read dis, i would like to thanks her very much, really appreciate wat u ve done, n hope u will keep it..nnti sy pon nk jd mcm akak if ade junior baru masuk nnti..he3..n to kakak2 senior yg lain pon, diorg byk gak membantu..trima ksih gak tuk diorg..(kak farah, akak dedey, kak suhana, kak Illa, kak Remey, kak Wani, kak Yati, kak Zana n others..)

dats oll dat i wanna share as i've been a month n plus2 to adapt really quick (matila ak if Prof tau ak still merangkak ag nk adapt..ho3)..proposal need to finish, LR is on going, labwork still mastering, lots2 more need to learn..

p/s: needs to understand guys i dat no more heartbreak..ho3..

Monday, September 12, 2011

first time after declare...

yesterday it was..d first time we meet after i know his feeling..its had been 2 years that i didn't meet him..perasaan usah ckap r..sume ade..bercampur baur..seb baik xkena heart i'm gonna start eh??well, kitrg decide nk jupe lam last week r koz ak tnye dia bila nk jupe..then, he said that a.s.a.p la bcoz nnti dia nk wat part time, so takut xde msa nk jupe nnti..ak pon pk punye pk..ujung mggu ni la kirenye..sbb dis friday(d next week), ak nk p beraya umh kak tikah(senior ak kat sg buloh)..sabtu ahad myb nk rilek2 je..then, it was decided..ari ahad, koz ari sabtu msing2 ade hal..ak nk p jupe reen n fatin, dia lak nk p beraya umh member, ahad is d day..
      perasaan da xsabar hari dilalui ngn biasa2 je(kontrol yg mane ptut)..hi3..pastu bila ari sbtu menjelang, ak hang out ngn kak tikah n kak wani(member kak tikah, now my member also) kat mid valley..lepak kat MPH, dr kul 12 smpai kul 4..kagum x??ak mmg spesies hantu buku gak r..agpon kat MPH tu, syok r suasana nk bca buku selain dr KINOKUNIYA(kat KLCC)..dan memandangkn ak xde duit nk beli buku skrg, so, spend all my time reading d ak berjaya abiskn 1 buku je pon..ha3..panduan becinta..tajuk dia "semurni kasih Adam, setulus cinta Hawa" kot..lupe da..but d story relate to kajian laki n pompuan n jugak ade info from, drpd buku tu, ak dpt 1 info ni..kite ni becinta ade 4 stage sebenarnye..xkesah la bg yg msih bercinta or psangan da kawin..

  • stage 1 (tak mencintai n tak peduli)
  • ni masa mula2 kenal psngan..kirenye kite n dia just biasa2 j..xkesah pon sal dia..dia hal dia kite hal kite....
  • stage 2 (tak mencintai tp peduli)
  • situasi ni pabila dia da jd memebr rapat kite da..kite care psal dia, slalu amik tau sal dia tp kite xcintakn dia..kirenye lam prose mngenali la kot..hi3
  • stage 3 (mencintai n peduli)
  • ni pabila dilamun cinta..mmg tangkap cintun abis r..tahap cemburu, tahap syg melebihi segalanye..berada di stage ni..ini adalah stage bhaya r..salah skit j, mmg mnguji..kontrol psagan pon kat stage ni gak, kite kureng percaya kat psngan kite..(ak skrg brada di stage ni kot..sbb ak still rs kureng pecaya kat dia tp wat bodoh je..doa2 mudah2an xde pe yg teruk terjadi..hu3)
  • stage 4 (mencintai tp tak peduli)
  • thap ni adalah thap yg paling secure..sbb kite da mmg pecaya 100% kat pasangan kite..kite da leh let go da thap kesetiaan tu mmg berada thap plg tggi..kirenye dia percaya yg kite setia kat dia n sebaliknye..kite xpeduli sal dia mksudnye kite da xkontrol dia but we do really lov him..

pastu, bile da abis lepak, date la plak ngn reen..updating stories(as usual for d gurls but guys also like updating from my mr.tedy..ha3) ..talk2 til 7Pm, jupe fatin lak..talk2 lagi, pastu last2 after mgrib ketemu balik ngan kak tikah n kak wani..about 9.30PM ktrg pon balik la..he3

mlm tu kalut ak pk, nk pkai baju ape la..nk pkai tudung cam ne la..aish..susah tul bile nk appearance menarik dpn org kite syg nih..(mcm p interview jupe mak mertua lak..ho3), last2 pakai je blouse(ak rembat from my sis), jeans(mmg lam pemikiran pon..), selendang(rembat sarah punye), sandal pon sarah punye(sbb sandal ak da mcm nk putus, xkn nk pkai sport shoes lak, xmsuk la ngn tema ke'lady'an ak ari tu..ha3)..mlm tu xbape lena nk tido (ak slalu gtu, if ade benda penting esknye, mula la bwak lam mimpi pastu confirm xlena tido or dpt nitemare..h03)..lpas subuh, terus da xtido da..habiskn masa online, basuh baju, bla bla bla..last2 lam kul 11 ak, sarah, kak zana n kak yati pon p la ke destinasi date ak..ONE UTAMA..(pe mcm??ramai x bodyguard ak??tp last2 jln berdua gak ngn Mr.tedy tu..ho3)..

        then, bile da smpai tu..ehem3..mula la berpeluh2 tgn ak..berdebar giler..xtau nk kata pe..jupe di aras 2 kat wing mane ntah kat one utama tu..sara yg first perasan kehadiran dia..tnye kat ak..bila ak nmpak, terus rs nk sembunyi blakang sara..wa3..takut giler kot..xtau nk kata ape..meng'cool' down perasaan difficult thing to do when in front of ur love kontrol2 beb, ne leh gelabah xtentu psal, berlagak kool..tegur2 sape, kenalkn 'body2 guard' ak..then, dia tnye nk wat, dipendekkn cerita, kak yati, kak zana, n sara p tgk wyg cter 'Final destination 5"..ak nk tgk tp ats byk reason, ak pon xtgk la..salah satu sbbnye, ak nk borak lama2 ngn Mr. Tedy(lpas rindu..kononnye..he3)  n byk ag sbb yg lain..=)

          ktrg p makn dlu, pastu jln2 kat MPH(ak rs ak antu MPH kot..ha3)..pastu solat zohor, pastu teman dia p beli brang2..well, erm..seyes lain giler ak rs..(tp depan dia, still berlagak macho..keh3) kn, klu nk ckap dia dulu n dia skrg, dia skrg lebih gentleman, more matured, more berkepimpinan (seyes, ak rs secure when he beside me) kn(still tp tu..he3)..dia lebih mesra alam (means ak takut dia layan pompuan lain pon same, then ak gak la yg mkn ati..hu3)..sbb tu buat ak terpk, bgus gak ktrg dok jauh2, xde la ak tau dia asyik jupe pompuan lain, jupe pon xde la kerap sgt, uji kesetiaan kami..well, mungkin ade, let time decide it..for now, i'll just pray d best for us..mintak2 jodoh kami hingga k syurga n hidup di jalan yg diredhai Allah..

p/s: kagum giler cincin yg ak bg kat dia tul2 muat kat jari manis dia even ak main beli j cincin ari tu..he3..(apakah tndanye???)..kite da rindu kat kes ni??ho3

Sunday, August 21, 2011

doa panjang jodoh..

Dengan nama Allah Yang Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang……

Ya Allah…
Seandainya telah Engkau catatkan…
Dia milikku, tercipta buatku…
Satukanlah hatinya dengan hatiku…

Titipkanlah kebahagiaan antara kami…
Kukuhkanlah ukhwah Islamiyah kami…
Agar kemesraan itu abadi…
Ya Allah…
Ya Tuhanku yang Maha Mengasihi…
Seiringkanlah kami melayari hidup ini…
Ke tepian yang sejahtera dan abadi…
Istiqamahkanlah kami ya Allah…
Demi meneruskan perjuangan kami dalam medan dakwah yang penuh cabaran ini…
Moga putra-putri kami bisa menjadi muslimin dan muslimat…
Pendokong jamaah, penggerak Islamiyah…
Tetapi ya Allah…
Seandainya telah Engkau takdirkan…
Dia bukan milikku…
Bawalah dia jauh dari pandanganku…
Luputkanlah dia dari ingatanku…
Dan peliharakanlah aku dari kekecewaan…

Jika aku gagal menangkis kekec
ewaan itu…
kuatkan lah hati ku Ya Allah..
Pelihara dan mantapkankanlah imanku…
Moga kekecewaan itu tidak melaghakn diriku dan menjauhiMu…
Ya Allah ya Tuhanku yang Maha Mengerti…
Berikanlah aku kekuatan…
Menolak bayangannya jauh ke dada langit…
Agarku sentiasa tenang…
Walaupun tanpa bersama dengannya…
Ya Allah yang tercinta…
Pasrahkan aku dengan takdir-Mu…
Aku redha dengan segala ketentuan dari-Mu…
Inilah ujian buatku…
Sesungguhnya apa yang telah Engkau takdirkan…
Adalah yang terbaik untukku…
Sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Mengetahui…
Segala yang terbaik buat hamba-Mu ini…
Ya Allah…
Cukuplah Engkau sahaja yang menjadi pemeliharaanku…
Di dunia dan akhirat…
Dengarkanlah rintihan dari hamba-Mu yang daif ini…
pandulah ak k jalan yg benar,

jalan yg Engkau redhai, Janganlah Engkau biarkan aku sendirian…
Di dunia ini mahupun di akhirat..
Maka kurniakanlah aku seorang pasangan yang beriman…
Agar aku dan dia sama-sama dapat membina kesejahteraan hidup…
Sama-sama dapat terus bergerak di dalam Jamaah Islam…
Andainya sudah ditakdirkan buatku…
Pendokong Jemaah bukan jodohku…
Mantapkanlah tarbiyahku…
Agar aku mampu membawanya bersama melalui liku perjuangan ini…
Sama-sama berusaha mendaulatkan Islam…
Ke jalan yang Engkau redhai…
Dan kurniakanlah padaku keturunan soleh dan solehah…
Yang pastinya menjadi aset utama penegak syiar agama-Mu…
Ya Allah …
Redhakanlah perjuangan kami…
Berikanlah kami kebahagiaan di dunia dan akhirat…
Dan peliharakanlah kami dari azab api Neraka…

Ameen…ameen Ya Rabbal a’lameen

Thursday, August 18, 2011

alhamdulillah..all things was alrite..(i'm happy..)

     tarikh keramat 10 ogos 2011..tul k keramat??keramat la kot bg ak..ha3..after a long long time waiting for an answer, at last ak tau jugak perasaannye..all my waiting was became to an end..he confess to me..walaupun unexpected but seriously i'm damn happy..ha3..cannot say with a word..u know dat when ur confession is not one sided??u lov him n he also lov u??tu la org kata, cinta tu satu perasaan yg xleh digambarkn dgn kata2..hihi

      but i once had read a novel that when its said in d ending like dis "the princess n the prince then live happily ever after", before this i think dat all d problems and obstacles are settle and they all live happily ever after which means that their story was ended. but now, after i had read that novel, the ended of their sorrow is just a beginning for another means dat the life will not just ended like dat..there's lots of another stories..ended dis story, begins new story..our life is not a fairy tale, jus accept that..=)
it just depend on us how to handle it..either handle it with care or jus smashed it to the u know dat heart is fragile thing..ha3

     another thing that realize about guys is they dont like to talk about their feelings..(xpecially my Mr.Tedy)..seriously, its very hard to understand, truthfully some of my behavior may really hurt his feeling but i didnt know dat..but when it comes to me, i will confess to him if dat des something hurting my feeling..if not, i felt something is not rite n mula la episod moody bermula..ha3..(but really poor to him a.k.a to d guys)..n for that, i'm really sorry..

p/s: stuck on idea..nk bg ape adiah besday nih??aish..hu3

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

like a fool

Like an idiot, 
why didn't I know
Like an idiot, 
why did I let you go?
Like an idiot, 
my heart cries slowly

I know now
My love is only you
Even if my eyes look for you
Even if my heart pressures me
I didn't believe that it was love
I believed that 
I was lonely and had to lean on you

Like an idiot, 
why didn't I know?
Like an idiot,
why did I let you go?
Like an idiot, 
my heart cries slowly

I know now
My love is only you
Let's not act like idiots
Let's not heart ache alone
When tears fell because of the pain
I'd become upset with my heart for being so weak

Like an idiot, 
why didn't I know?
Like an idiot, 
why did I let you go?
Like an idiot, 
my heart cries slowly

I know now
Do you know, 
that you are my love?
Do you know, 
that you fill my heart?

Like an idiot, 
I've just found out now
You, I call you
Because without you, 
I cannot live on

Thursday, July 28, 2011

feeling and mind??

get lost from my sight,
it was d phrase dat i wanna said long ago,
but it jus cant come out from my mouth,
n i jus can shout it inside my heart,
there's something block it,
there's something dat reasoning it,
whether i'm realizing or not,
day by day, 
hoping dat u soon will disappear inside my heart..

sometimes, its wrong for me to feel dat way,
without knowing ur true feeling,
making judgement by myself,
jus thinking of myself,
jus wanna make myself secure,
it doesn't feel right..

and also,
it sounds really easy to make u dissapear,
but i know dat its impossible,
hoping dat i soon will get anemia,
anemia dat only deleting d existence of u in my life,
its something dat only will appear in fantasy,
jus stop dreaming..

i know it,
i know dat its only my feeling,
i jus can stop thinking about it,
its not something dat i cant control,
jus sometimes d feeling out of control,
but i know dat i'll manage dat,
its only my mind,
if i can control my mind, 
everything is possible for me..

Saturday, July 23, 2011

missing n tired thinking..

just arrived wednesday evening, now need to go dis sunday..perghh..better if i didnt going home on dat Wednesday if i know dat dis thing will happen..on friday last week, i got phone call from faculty of medic offering me to go to d interview pursue study there..bcoz of they called, my heart bcome so soft n make me wanna go to d interview..whether i can succeed or not wit d interview, doesnt really matter...i jus want d experienced of being interviewed..therefore, UiTM sg buloh become d final destination of my journey on sunday morning..taking bus at 10am in Nilam Puri, and safely arrived at 7PM in Klang, really tiring me..meeting wit Sarah there n get together wit her uncle, we went to d Sg Buloh..really thnks to them coz helping me..n i never can repay wat she had done for me..allowed me to stay at her room, accompanied me to d interview, hanging out at nite jus only to find McD n tickets, and all stuffs..thnks a lot yunk..sarangeaaa......

then, next evening was d interview session..i'm d 13th participant over 15 n they were arranged by d ranking of d, can u guess wat is my pointer??better b embarrassed..huhu..starting at 330PM, my interview start at 7pm..can u imagine how many hours did i waited outside just to be interviewed??really disappeared all my nervousness n tiredness had conquered my body..huhu..but then, i just do my best n jus wait for d result till next week she said..already redha wit d result as i had done my best..=)

budget till next week, i will know d result but on friday evening, they called dat i succeed in d interview n shortlisted..n also i need to reported myself to them dis monday morning..jus when i stayed at home only 2 days, then need to go back to KL once again..arghh, little bit tension coz better if i'm just staying there..huhu..was indecisiveness whether should or should not i go..huhu..but now already bought, just go la ur best..xtually little bit unsecured as my pointer is not as high as anyone else but also wonder why my fren dat got higher pointer than me did not succeed for d interview..mybe "rezeki dia bukn di ctu"..if i go tomorrow then, i'll need to prepare myself mental n physically as i know dat i need to independent and also i'm all fren dat also got dis chance did not wanna go..huhu..start fasting month sad..huhu

its had been 3weeks since i didn't contact him..miss him so much..lots of thing had happened around me..wanna tell d story but gotta hold a promise..a promise made to myself n promise dat i made to him..

Thursday, June 16, 2011

itazura na kiss

the words to hide our awkwardness
the moments we gazed at each other
the time we spent together
i wish they had all lasted longer

ur hand held mine until
u saw me off at d train final train
ur nonchalant kindness makes me happy
if dis were a fairy-tale
i'd instantly be able to go to a future wit u

everytime, everyday, everything
even if i dont put it into words
u r my special place
if i could granted just one wish
dear God, please stop time when we r alone together

everytime, everyday, everything
even if we were to go our separate ways, i'll hold us together
u r my special one
everytime, everyday, everything
i have faith
even if time doesn't stop
if we're fated then we'd be able to see each other anytime, right?

Sunday, May 29, 2011

seminggu at home...

diary of today??one week at home feels like one month coz got nothing to do..(xtually lots of works to do but when d laziness came through across d body, cant do anything..ha3)..wake up in d morning, preparing for brekfast plus lunch, washing n drying some clothes if had, watching tv, watching naruto, surfing, sleeping, bla bla bla..nahhh, same routine i'm gonna change dat???

d story of today was i met someone at d "pasar tani"..then, seriously i cant remember her..hu2..last2 she told me dat she's from PLKN same wit me..hu2..i'm sorry, really sorry for her, i cant remember..its not like i dont care about all of d times together but really my baddd habit..i'm easy to forget people face n info about him or her..really sorry..

then, menu of cooking today was "tom yam ayam"..really wanna help mum but half way only coz gotta help my dad to paint its lorry..hu2..while was painting, my aunt n uncle from Kemumin arrived..Paksu n Maksu with their child, K.long, aizad and aiman..really close cousin to me..=), talk for a while wit them..chit chat update life..he3..

at nite, dating wit pksu n his family to hang out and dinner..while in d car mksu ask me about my mr. tedy..whether i'm still contacting him or not..said still but now had been since yesterday..then, we all went to a restaurant and home, my sis, K.ida already at home wit her family..going to be mother of two daughter dis month of June if im not mistaken..u know dat her first daughter was so cute n her skin was so white..if d face is not like Malay, sure people gonna say she is Chinese..ha3..but she's really cuteee...he3..

next thing is i already made my decision, i'm not gonna take master dis month of Sept..i'm gonna work first..dat is it...its not d only reason that my money is not enough, i'm really wanna help my family..having them not working at home, n just using d money of their children every month..really sad watch them work from morning till evening n tired n so on..they already old for that..then, its my duty to take care of them n so forth..i wanna them stay at home do nothing and using my own money n my sis, bro money to spent day to day..i'm not supposed to use their money, for now i'll go hunting for a job after knew d result and insyaAllah if i got a chance, before my age reach 25, i'll have d master title..insyaAllah..=)
plan for now:
  • waiting my sis to get home
  • send her back to Taiping
  • waiting home for d construction of house
  • hunting for partime job
  • hunting for real job
  • gotta get Master
  • get married (keh3)

(p/s: u know dat if we lov dat person, its very easy to forgive him n forget all his wrong..hu3..)

Monday, May 23, 2011

home sweet home...

hari ni hari ke3 ak berada di rumah..setelah berhempas pulas kat u, akhirnye tamat sudeh n alhamdulillah safely reach at home..bertolak friday nite (20/5/2011) n arrived at 5am di bus stop kedai usual, we da siap mnunggu ak d seberang jln cna wit my sis's new car..hi3..smpai je kat umh, bilik yg ditinggal kosong ntah bape abad, mmg spt yg expected ah..mngemas was d first thing to do..tukar cadar, sapu lntai, bla bla bla..then, selamat di alam gilerrrrr...he3...

hari pertama, nothing much i do xcept lepak kat umh, main ngn ank2 ayam..ha3..u know dat ade 2 ekor aym yg tgh mengeram n sekor tu ank dia da byk cute...geram ak tgk bulu2 lembut ank aym tu, pe ag..dibelai2 la ank aym tu even ibu dia marah bgai nk terkam ak..but d sweet thing is ibu dia xpatuk pon tgn ak, she's a good, mmg xlpas peluang ah ak..sume ank2 dia ak main..he3...then, time for cook..tolong mama mane yg ptut..ak goreng sotong celup tepung, goreng hati ayam n mask syur air..sume kije ak menolong jew..he3..maklumlah keproan memasak x terserlah lg..kua3....

hari kedua, pon sama..xbuat pa pe..kemas umah ckit2..sbb kemlasan melanda..agpon alone at home..Ahad, mama kije n we pon, bosan gak r kat umh..nk kemas umh, mcm mls ag pon xtau nk simpan brang kat ne..hu4...bgn da lambat, sidai2 baju, then tgk tv..zohor tu bawu masak..keh3..ak test power msak ak ngn ikn bakar n ikan masak kicap..ikn msak kicap tu not bad r but ikn bakar tu, mybe sbb ikn xsegar so amatla xsedap..huhu...last2 sedekah kat aym ak..he3..

today??erm..xbuat pa pe gak..jap ag mau msak..but sayur xdak..aish, xdak mood tul la..ingt nk kuar tp klu da bgn pon lambat, mmg xde nye nk kuar..agpon td Mek Jo ade dtg, so borak2 dr kul 11 smpai kul1..byk la cter yg ak tau sepanjang ak xdok kat kg nih..keh3..nk ak cter k??xyah la kot..he3..yg penting nye, xde story yg hotttt..klu da, ak cter k..=)..

ari tu, b4 balik klntan, ak da beli present tuk mr.tedy..kind of ring, just for him jew..des something special about dat ring..ntah la..terpk nk beli..dia pon xde kata xnak..even dia xpenah pkai cincin, hopefully, he'll wear it for me..agpon d ring xde la cam obvious of anything, just simple giler..che ak kata ak kind of comment..bile msa wanna give him, tu ak tak tau..he said wanna come to klntan dis next couple week..but ak xberharap pon, agpon he wanna meet his, xpk pon..klu da jodoh, jumpe la kami..if not, ak xkesah pon(dlm ati..perghh..ha3)..

next stody is about wat i'm going to do next..sambung or kije or???klu ikutkn hati, half ak nk buat master(if giving a chance), half lg ak rs baik smbung..its depends on sape yg ak jupe n pe pendapt she/he said better smbung, ak pk smbung ag baik but if he/she said better kije, ak akn more to kije..but it is just for now..coz when i decide i'll pulun habis2an on my decision..owg lain leh buat, y not me..kn2???so, nnti ak cter lg ape yg ak decide k..skwg xdecide pa pe ag..hu3..

(mood: mlsnye driku but lapa..huhu..)

Friday, May 20, 2011

Alhamdulillah..berakhir episod tension...

esk, sumenye ak berakhir..alhamdulillah..segalanye, penat lelah ak akhirnye mendapat hasil..ak da buat ape yg ak termampu..ak xtau ape akn jd selepas ni ak yakin sume ade hikmahnye...xtually kisah yg sebenarnye ialah berakhirnye episod thesis ak..ari ni ak buat cd, hardcover thesis esk amik n luse kena submit...insyaAllah, klu xdak aral melintang, sume akan settle..:)

skrg, crita baru setelah lama ak mnyepi x update blog..bukn pe, xde masa n xdak mood..ak buknnye rajin sgt mngarang nih but if dtg mood nk mnggoreng ayt tu, jgn la di halang..kah3..

1st story i wanna to tell u all is my Pulau Pangkor vacation...kitowg p seramai 18 owg, ak as penjaga amanah (as  usual) mengumpul setiap sowng 3ratus hengget...but balance ak pulangkn...xde la smpai 3ratus kitowg spend..still ade balance..hihi..3days 2 lots of memories yg tercipta..bertolak jam 12 tgh mlm dr depan bank islam lam Uitm, ngn 2 buah van..brang2 tiap sowg tu usah ckap la, pergi mcm nk p sebulan lagak nye..laki gak yg simple ak tgk..haha..
ko tgk la, brang2..byk tul bwaknye..haha

then, bertolak lah kami k Lumut, tiba jam 3,4 pagi..pergh awl herannye ramai la gak kat jeti Lumut tu...ade yg dating, ade yg isap rokok, lepak2..kitowg penat n ngntok, xtau nk lepak mane..last2 sewa hotel 2 blik but 1 room tu ade la lam, tiap sowng cas lam 6hengget lebih jew..jimat kn???keh3..pastu, lam kul 9 tu kitowg pon nek la feri p Pulau Pangkor..taklimat oleh PIC ktowg lam feri tu..

bhgian ats feri..lepak smbil bergambar..(sape mabuk laut, sile trun k bwah k..keh3)

sampai j kat chalet "Pangkor Inn Chalet" name dia...smpai kat kaunter depan, da nmpk kolam sebesar kolam renang kanak2(kat kolam tu la byk kenangan kami tercipta)..pastu check in kat blik msing2..ak, sara, che n dila biasala 1 room..cannot separated ibart hydrogen bond..hihi...smpai je blik, bersihkn dri, then lena smpai zhor..pastu cari mknan, lapo kot(arga mknan lebey kureng shah alam, n.goreng pattaya = RM5)..ptg tu kitowg sewa bot 8 hengget sowang nek bot p pulau depan,,sbb nye pantai kat ctu xlandai, bahaya nk, men la sepuas2 nye kat pulau dpn giler...water confident berjaya ak mahirkn...ingt lg kenangan kat kem Wilderness dlu..air laut da mcm sebati ngn jiwa ak..mermaid story..haha

mlm tu, pusing2 pulau..jln2 kat kedai2 depan tu..byk jual mkanan laut yg plng sedeynye, xde angin pntai...panas giler mlm tu..ak pon xphm nape xde angin pntai...menmbahkn ketidakcantikan(ade k word tu?) pemandangn kat pntai tu, ade la plak byk construction kat ctu..huhu..mmg xbrapa nk koww ah..huhu..pastu ak xjoin member2 ak karok..sbbnye xde mood, hp masuk air..tension tul(so, layan TV lam bilik jew..huhu).....

d next day, xtiviti pg terpksa buat sukaneka(sebb ujan renyai2, xjd nk snorkelling) bola tmpat pntai, lempar2 belon..mcm2 ah..smpai pkul 12..pastu lpas lunch, p snorkelling..d best program ever..ak dpt tgk sndri ikn2 tu berenang dpn mata ak..mmg best giler..dia bg roti kat kitowg suh bg mknan kat ikn tu..tgk ikn gigit2 roti kat tgn ak yg memegang roti tu, mmg best giler r..incredible feeling ever..hihi...pastu kn, bile kite diamkn dri, depakan tgn, ikn2 tu gigit beach boy tu kata jgn sentuh ikn2 tu, takut beracun, so ak tgk j la ikn tu berenang2...but dangerous thing is b careful with corals k..mmg tajam kalahkn pisau..sara kena corals tu, mmg abis kulit dia terkoyak..seram ak tgk..ak alhamdulillah, xde kena...
nek bot..sape mabuk laut, bware..kih3

belah mlm tu, mkn barbque...sedap tp sotong n udang rejected(as usual la) ikn ak balun 5 ikn selar j pon..hoho..tu pon da kenyang...kitowg mkn smbil diirngi muzik, n nyanyian..hihi..mcm lam TV tu, yg ade owg nyanyi2 tu...keh3

                                                                                                               diiringi band smbil mkn..keh3

next day is balik smula shah alam...mmg kenangn xkn dilupekn ever had..hihi..:)..gonna miss dat memories..<3
frenz forever..<3