Monday, May 23, 2011

home sweet home...

hari ni hari ke3 ak berada di rumah..setelah berhempas pulas kat u, akhirnye tamat sudeh n alhamdulillah safely reach at home..bertolak friday nite (20/5/2011) n arrived at 5am di bus stop kedai usual, we da siap mnunggu ak d seberang jln cna wit my sis's new car..hi3..smpai je kat umh, bilik yg ditinggal kosong ntah bape abad, mmg spt yg expected ah..mngemas was d first thing to do..tukar cadar, sapu lntai, bla bla bla..then, selamat di alam gilerrrrr...he3...

hari pertama, nothing much i do xcept lepak kat umh, main ngn ank2 ayam..ha3..u know dat ade 2 ekor aym yg tgh mengeram n sekor tu ank dia da byk cute...geram ak tgk bulu2 lembut ank aym tu, pe ag..dibelai2 la ank aym tu even ibu dia marah bgai nk terkam ak..but d sweet thing is ibu dia xpatuk pon tgn ak, she's a good, mmg xlpas peluang ah ak..sume ank2 dia ak main..he3...then, time for cook..tolong mama mane yg ptut..ak goreng sotong celup tepung, goreng hati ayam n mask syur air..sume kije ak menolong jew..he3..maklumlah keproan memasak x terserlah lg..kua3....

hari kedua, pon sama..xbuat pa pe..kemas umah ckit2..sbb kemlasan melanda..agpon alone at home..Ahad, mama kije n we pon, bosan gak r kat umh..nk kemas umh, mcm mls ag pon xtau nk simpan brang kat ne..hu4...bgn da lambat, sidai2 baju, then tgk tv..zohor tu bawu masak..keh3..ak test power msak ak ngn ikn bakar n ikan masak kicap..ikn msak kicap tu not bad r but ikn bakar tu, mybe sbb ikn xsegar so amatla xsedap..huhu...last2 sedekah kat aym ak..he3..

today??erm..xbuat pa pe gak..jap ag mau msak..but sayur xdak..aish, xdak mood tul la..ingt nk kuar tp klu da bgn pon lambat, mmg xde nye nk kuar..agpon td Mek Jo ade dtg, so borak2 dr kul 11 smpai kul1..byk la cter yg ak tau sepanjang ak xdok kat kg nih..keh3..nk ak cter k??xyah la kot..he3..yg penting nye, xde story yg hotttt..klu da, ak cter k..=)..

ari tu, b4 balik klntan, ak da beli present tuk mr.tedy..kind of ring, just for him jew..des something special about dat ring..ntah la..terpk nk beli..dia pon xde kata xnak..even dia xpenah pkai cincin, hopefully, he'll wear it for me..agpon d ring xde la cam obvious of anything, just simple giler..che ak kata ak kind of comment..bile msa wanna give him, tu ak tak tau..he said wanna come to klntan dis next couple week..but ak xberharap pon, agpon he wanna meet his, xpk pon..klu da jodoh, jumpe la kami..if not, ak xkesah pon(dlm ati..perghh..ha3)..

next stody is about wat i'm going to do next..sambung or kije or???klu ikutkn hati, half ak nk buat master(if giving a chance), half lg ak rs baik smbung..its depends on sape yg ak jupe n pe pendapt she/he said better smbung, ak pk smbung ag baik but if he/she said better kije, ak akn more to kije..but it is just for now..coz when i decide i'll pulun habis2an on my decision..owg lain leh buat, y not me..kn2???so, nnti ak cter lg ape yg ak decide k..skwg xdecide pa pe ag..hu3..

(mood: mlsnye driku but lapa..huhu..)

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